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Vol. 80/No. 10      March 14, 2016


25, 50, and 75 Years Ago

March 15, 1991

Washington has now entered the fifth stage of its war drive against the Iraqi people. The goal of U.S. imperialism remains what it has been since early August: the establishment of a protectorate in Bagdad that can defend imperialist interests in the region.

The war drive is not over. It continues with bipartisan support in Washington.

For the U.S. rulers this final stage is the most difficult one in their seven-month assault. Through it they seek to inflict greater blows on the Iraqi people, the Palestinian people, and other oppressed peoples in the Mideast. But the imperialists will break their teeth in the attempt to achieve their goals.

March 14, 1966

The attack by a right-wing mob and police on the Brooklyn, N.Y. chapter of the W.E.B. DuBois Clubs and the dynamiting of the organization’s national headquarters in San Francisco, Calif. came hard on the heels of a March 4 announcement by Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach that he was petitioning the Subversive Activities Control Board to order the DuBois Clubs to register as a “Communist front.”

The attack on the Brooklyn DuBois Clubs came at the end of a press conference called for Saturday, March 5 by the organization to protest Katzenbach’s action. Far from stopping the right-wing gang, the police aided them.

March 15, 1941

Death last Saturday released James B. McNamara, world’s oldest class war prisoner in point of time served, from his 30 year prison hell in the California penitentiaries.

McNamara was sentenced to life imprisonment on December 5, 1911 by a California boss court for the alleged bombing of the Los Angeles Times building on October 1, 1910.

McNamara was an organizer for the International Association of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers at the time of his arrest. His activity and that of his union on behalf of West Coast labor had aroused the wrath of the open-shop interests.  
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