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Vol. 79/No. 7      March 2, 2015

Cuban 5 victory marks
Havana book festival

Above, AIN/Roberto Morejón
Inset, Granma/José Correa Armas

HAVANA — Tens of thousands are pouring into San Carlos de La Cabaña, the Spanish colonial fortress that is the site of the 11-day international book fair that opened here Feb. 12. They are flocking to literature stands and to dozens of book launches, panel discussions, events for children, poetry readings, art exhibits, concerts, film showings and theater performances that take place during this annual event.

This year’s book fair is marked by the victory won with the return home in December of Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino and Antonio Guerrero. Along with René González and Fernando González, who were released from U.S. prisons earlier, the Cuban Five — as they became known worldwide — spent between 15 and more than 16 years in federal custody on trumped-up charges because of their actions in defense of the Cuban Revolution.

At the inaugural ceremony, televised nationwide, Zuleica Romay, president of the Cuban Book Institute, gave a special welcome to Hernández, Labañino, Guerrero, and members of their families who were present (above from left, with Elizabeth Palmeiro, Labañino’s wife). The three have participated in several fair events featuring books by or about the Cuban Five.

India is the country of honor at the book fair, the first Asian country to participate in such a prominent manner. Cuban publishers produced 27 titles about India or by Indian authors, translating works by prominent writers ranging from Rabindranath Tagore to Arundhati Roy. Programs of Indian films and dance are also being featured.

Some 2 million people are expected to attend the nationwide book festival, which continues in Havana until Feb. 22 and then travels across the island to every province, ending in Santiago de Cuba April 26.


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