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Vol. 72/No. 17      April 28, 2008

Seattle campuses build
toward May Day
Militant/Chris Hoeppner
SEATTLE—Students at Seattle University protest April 8 against a Border Patrol cop recruiting session organized there by the Department of Homeland Security. The protest was called by student groups including NoSir and the Chicano Student Movement of Aztlán (MEChA).

The following weekend, some 150 workers and students attended the Workers’ Assembly on Immigration at the Evergreen College campus in Tacoma, Washington. It was called by the campus Labor Center and El Comité Pro Reforma Migratoria y Justicia Social, one of the immigrant rights group organizing the May Day march in Seattle. Two busloads of day laborers attended from El Centro, a social service and cultural facility in Seattle.

One of the speakers was Antonio Flores, who helped organize protests against police profiling of immigrant workers during traffic stops in the town of Pacific near Seattle.

“We stood up and marched in Pacific even though we knew we might be arrested,” he said. “We have a right to be here to work.”


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