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Vol. 71/No. 21        May 28, 2007


Militant Labor Forums

The Fight Against Police Brutality from Los Angeles to Atlanta.

Speaker: Bill Arth, Socialist Workers Party.
Sat., May 26. Dinner, 6:30 p.m.; program, 7:30 p.m.
3029A Bessemer Rd.
Tel.:(205) 780-0021.

Extradite Luis Posada Carriles. Free the Cuban Five. The Cuban Revolution's 48-year Defense Against Imperialism.

Speakers: Andrés Gómez, national coordinator, Antonio Maceo Brigade; Bernie Senter, Socialist Workers Party.
Fri., May 25. Dinner, 6:30 p.m.; program, 7:30 p.m.
Donation: $5 dinner, $5 program.
8365 NE 2nd Ave., Suite 206.
Tel.:(305) 756-4436.

Support the Strike Against Fox Valley Forge.

Speakers: Ignacio Galindo, Valley Forge striker; Ernest Mailhot, Socialist Workers Party.
Fri., May 25. Dinner, 7:00 p.m.; program, 8:00 p.m.
3557 S. Archer Ave.,
Tel.: (773) 890-1190.

New York
China and the World Today: A Working-Class Perspective.

Speaker: Nancy Boyasko, Socialist Workers Party.
Fri., May 25. Dinner, 7:00 p.m.; program, 8:00 p.m.
307 W. 36th St. 10th floor (use north elevators).
Tel.: (212) 629-6649.

The Fight Against Police Brutality: Report from May 17 Los Angeles Protest Against Cop Riot.

Speaker: John Naubert, Socialist Workers Party.
Fri., May 25. Dinner, 6:30 p.m.; program, 7:30 p.m.
Donation: $5 dinner, $5 program.
5418 Rainier Ave. S.
Tel.: (206) 323-1755.

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