The Militant (logo) 
Vol.63/No.42       November 29, 1999 
Pathfinder Fund raises $136,924, on time and way over the goal!  
Pathfinder Fund supporters around the world raised $136,924, handily surpassing the original goal by nearly 10 percent. The international fund-raising campaign was accomplished by the November 15 deadline to boot.

This collective effort—from New Zealand, to France, to Belgium, and cities across the United States—puts the revolutionary publisher in a solid position to continue producing the political tools workers, farmers, and youth need today as we seek to understand the horrors capitalism offers, organize to combat them, and set out to chart a road forward for humanity.

As volunteers were receipting the final contributions, the editorial work on Making History: Interviews with Four Generals of Cuba's Revolutionary Armed Forces was also being completed (see special offer on page 9). Fund-raising and editorial tasks together ensured this new title will be featured in the Pathfinder booth at the Guadalajara International Book Fair in Mexico the last week of November.

In addition, work remains on schedule for the publication early in 2000 of the Spanish- and French-language editions of Capitalism's World Disorder: Working-Class Politics at the Millennium by Jack Barnes. Che Guevara Talks to Young People will appear as well in English and Spanish, in time for the Havana Book Fair in February.

The nearly 900 contributions ranged from a couple of dollars up to $1,000, with many giving for the first time to such an effort, responding to fellow trade unionists on the job to fund-raising events in their local areas, to mailings appealing for funds, and a variety of other initiatives.  

Toronto supporters go over the top

TORONTO—Pathfinder supporters—including unionists, high school and university students—tucked into a delicious turkey dinner and listened to a panel of fighters at a fund-raising celebration for the international Pathfinder Fund here November 13. When all the funds were accounted, including donations, door receipts, and raffle tickets sold, those attending cheered the grand total of Can$4,091. The original local goal had been Can$3,600 (Can$1=US$0.68). Thirty-eight people joined in the celebration.

Under a banner reading "Translate, read, discuss and sell Capitalism's World Disorder," Mario De Santis explained the importance of the book to him. A member of the Canadian Auto Workers Local 707 at Ford assembly plant in Oakville, De Santis has been building support for a strike of woodworkers in Durham, Ontario.

"Reading this book has helped me to realize that it is the working class that holds the world on its shoulders," explained the auto worker. "And this makes me proud to be part of this class." Referring to page 60 of the book, which describes the growing crisis of the world capitalist economy, De Santis said, "The bosses' downsizing and line speedups are signs of desperation. This should be our inspiration to fight."

Oshawa high school student and Young Socialists member Dimitris Farfalis told participants about a discussion he had with a GM Oshawa worker he met at a Pathfinder literature sale at the GM plant gate. "She told me about the harsh conditions in the plant. Capitalism's World Disorder explains why this is happening. Two years ago I started looking for answers and I couldn't get them from teachers, TV, or the newspapers. When you read the book and discuss with others like we do here every Sunday you understand the world. The book is a guide to action to change it."

As an example of how the world is affecting youth, Farfalis reported on a walkout at his high school by students demanding extracurricular activities, which teachers are not providing to protest the government's education cutbacks.

Christian Cornejo, a meatpacker and member of the United Food and Commercial Workers Local 175, reported on his recent participation in a Militant reporting team to Saskatchewan to talk to farmers facing depression conditions because of rock bottom wheat prices. "The farmers were very interested in the conditions I face at work," he said. "We discussed the need for a fighting alliance of workers in the city with farmers, and about how this alliance produced a socialist revolution in Cuba." Two of Cornejo's co-workers attended the celebration.

Sylvie Charbin, an auto parts worker and member of International Association of Machinists Local 2113, reported on her experiences selling the book to a hog farmer in southwestern Ontario and to a member of the International Woodworkers union on strike against Interforest in Durham. The striker, who was unable to attend because she had to start a new job after being fired for her union activity, told Charbin she hoped the celebration would be a success.

"We need this book in French as soon as possible," said Charbin. "Quebec truckers who have been fighting for a union, farmers there who are being driven off their farms need to read this book." She has also worked with Pathfinder supporters in five countries to prepare the French-language translation of Capitalism's World Disorder. Pathfinder will release the book early next year.

John Riddell, one of the more than 100 volunteers around the world working to put all of Pathfinder titles into digital form so they can be reprinted easily using the latest computerized technology, said, "We have to think about what the world is becoming. We are heading towards a period when the stock in this bookstore will be sold out to fighting workers. The reprint project will ensure the lessons of 150 years of struggle will be available to the fighters through Pathfinder books when they need them."

A warm applause went to those who organized the meeting, set up the displays, and prepared the meal. A feature of the event were earth green tablecloths and napkins hemmed by volunteers, preparing to get jobs as sewers in order to do communist work while active in the Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees.  
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