The Militant(logo) 
    Vol.61/No.1           January 6, 1997 
Pathfinder Offers Special On Marxist Writings  

NEW YORK - A special sale announced by Pathfinder gives socialist workers and youth an opportunity to significantly expand their Marxist libraries. The Collected Works of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, is now on sale for $399. Marx and Engels are the founding leaders of the modern communist movement.

The Collected Works of V.I. Lenin is on sale for $199. Lenin was the central leader of the Bolshevik Party that led workers and peasants in Russia in a revolutionary struggle that toppled the tsarist regime in 1917 and ushered in the first socialist revolution in the history of humanity.

The special offer is available to members of the Pathfinder Readers Club. These prices for the two 45-volume sets are at least 60 percent off the retail price and are good until the end of January. Selected individual volumes of the Marx and Engels Collected Works are also available at the sale price of $10.

To insure that every socialist and fight-minded worker or young person who wants to take advantage of this offer can do so, Pathfinder has set up a lay-away plan: 25 percent down by the end of January, with full payment due by the end of March.

The books available in this special offer are indispensable for those involved in labor struggles, social protest action, and battles against oppression and exploitation. The works by the three central Marxist leaders help fighters today generalize from their experiences and gain a scientific understanding what lies behind the capitalists' assault on wages, hours, and social security; racism, anti-immigrant demagogy, and the oppression of women; and the imperialist march toward fascism and war.

By reading and studying the writings of these communist leaders, fighters can become armed with a better understanding of the continuity of working-class program and strategy going back some 150 years. This understanding helps them work with others to forge the communist organizations, as part of an international revolutionary movement, that are so vital to fight effectively against capitalism.

"These works are far more valuable in the hands of fighters who need them to be effective in advancing the struggles of working people than they are gathering dust in a warehouse," said Sara Lobman, Pathfinder business manager. "We would like to sell out of these volumes and know that hundreds more socialist workers and youth are using them."

Readers of Marx and Engels will find a wealth of information on Marxist politics and theory, from writings on the origins of class society, oppression, and exploitation; the revolutionary upheavals in Europe, the Americas, and India in the 1800s; why Marxism is the totally self-conscious expression of the interests and the historical line of march of the working class; the nature of the wages system and why the working class is the only consistent revolutionary class, to name a few. The set includes the recently released volume 35, the first volume of Capital, by Marx.

The works of V.I. Lenin similarly take up the central questions in working-class politics and strategy: building a communist party capable of leading the titanic battles necessary to overturn the rule of the wealthy capitalist minority, the character of the state and imperialism, a communist approach to the national liberation of peoples oppressed in class society, the character of the trade unions and communist work in them, how to lead the transition from capitalism to socialism and the range of questions faced by the first victorious socialist revolution, and why the fight for socialism is international.

Additional individual titles by Marx, Engels, and Lenin will be made available as part of this special offer at the beginning of January.  
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