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    Vol.60/No.32           September 16, 1996 
Sell, Read `New International'  

The U.S.-organized carnage against the Iraqi people is among the most monstrous in the history of modern warfare. "Is" not "was." Death and dislocation continue today, as does the imperialists' culpability for them. - "Opening Guns of World War III," by Jack Barnes, in New International no. 7.

Washington's recent bombing of Iraq and the rulers' continued assaults on working people here and around the world make New International no. 7, with "Opening Guns of World War III -

Washington's Assault on Iraq," more timely than ever.
The devastation of Iraq did not lead to the dawn of a new world order. The Gulf War held a mirror to the declining capitalist world order and accelerated its contradictions. It signaled the sharpening of interimperialist conflicts, as well as openings that will arise for working people to fight to take state power and move toward socialism in the years ahead. Other articles in that issue of the Marxist magazine tell the hidden history of the GI revolt at the end of World War II- when U.S. troops refused to allow themselves to be used to crush spreading anticolonial struggles- as well as discussing the roots of the militarization drive Washington set in motion at the end of the 1970s.

New International no. 7 is the best weapon working people have to explain the politics of imperialists' aggression around the world. It is a tool needed by the young people and workers who are resisting assaults by the same class that is carrying out the bombings in Iraq.

The articles in New International no. 10 - "Imperialism's March toward Fascism and War," "What the 1987 Stock Market Crash Foretold," and "Defending Cuba, Defending Cuba's Socialist Revolution" - and the book The Changing Face of U.S. Politics: Working-Class Politics and the Trade Unions are also essential for understanding the world today and what the working class must do to change it. Another Pathfinder book, U.S. Hands Off the Mideast! contains the speeches by Cuban leaders as they denounced Washington's 1990-91 assault on Iraq before the United Nations.

Now is the time to step up selling these books at plant gates, at strikes, on the job, at campuses, at picket lines and demonstrations protesting the war, and everywhere that people are looking for answers to Washington's attacks. We urge our readers to sell, read, and study these revolutionary books with other fighters to help prepare for the larger battles ahead.  
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