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Vol. 81/No. 10      March 13, 2017


Back SWP fight vs. gov’t interference


The Socialist Workers Party’s decades-long fight to expose the anti-working-class role of Washington’s spies and goons, along with its defense of workers’ political rights in winning exemption from financial disclosure to the Federal Election Commission, deserves the support of all working people.

From 1973 to 1988 the SWP waged a legal and political campaign to get out the truth about the government’s war against communists, Black and Puerto Rican rights fighters, unionists and others. The party forced out thousands of pages of FBI files documenting spying and disruption by government agents and secret informers. It exposed government wiretaps, burglaries and “trash covers” and showed how the FBI had gotten party members fired, framed up and victimized.

These exposés helped new generations of worker and political militants know the truth about what they face from the propertied rulers, who seek to maintain their rule against working people.

The SWP’s continuing fight for exemption from the rulers’ “financial disclosure” laws is built on these gains. The party also marshals evidence of continuing attacks on the party by the cops, the government, right-wing goons and the bosses today. And it draws out facts about how the government is organizing its spies and disrupters to target all those fighting today — workers battling boss attacks, opponents of imperialist war, fighters against the colonial status of Puerto Rico and many more.

The rulers need political police to maintain their dog-eat-dog capitalist system. And they need them more today, as the depression conditions bred by the deepening crisis of that system grind down relentlessly on working people, and discussion spreads about how to fight back effectively. Interest in and support for the SWP is growing.

Today the rulers are getting unexpected help from liberals and neo-conservatives alike, who praise the courage and veracity of the FBI and CIA for leaks that go after Donald Trump. As William Kristol of the Weekly Standard put it, I “prefer the deep state to the Trump state.”

Throwing aside the real history and role of government finks and thugs help the rulers’ efforts to rehabilitate their spy outfits and are a deadly danger to working people and our political rights.

Support the SWP and its fight against government interference.

Related articles:
SWP exemption fight defends political rights of working class
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