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Vol. 81/No. 3      January 16, 2017



Is Trump ‘qualified’?
In response to Maggie Trowe’s wonderful article on liberal hysteria in the Jan. 2 Militant, I would like to add the liberal “talking point” that Trump is “not qualified!” The world imperialist system of exploitation, war, and torture, centered in Washington, D.C., just needs the right sort — a smooth, well-spoken master or mistress of mayhem to make all the pieces of the system work well. Crude demagogues and hucksters like Trump are an affront to the refined sensibilities of leading liberals everywhere. For them, a well-spoken style glosses over many a shameful crime.
J.R. Ford
Seattle, Washington

What a socialist is
One prisoner wrote declaring their love for the paper, but then stated “but I am not a socialist, I am a Christian.” That statement made me smile and shake my head at the same time. While capitalism represents greed and wealth for a few, socialism represents equality, equity and fair dealing. Not only for a few, but the entire planet, whether Black, brown, red, yellow or white. In my humble opinion, a true Christian is a socialist and a true Muslim is a socialist.
A prisoner

Enjoys audio ‘Militant’
Before embarking on a long car journey, we downloaded the whole audio edition of the first Militant from 2017 from the website, saved it as an album and played it through the car radio. This was our first experience listening to the whole paper. It was wonderful. We discussed each article and replayed when we wanted clarification. The six hours went quickly and very productively in political discussion. Can’t wait to get the hard copy. I will use this method again to get more than ever out of the Militant.
Ann Fiander
Manchester, England

Editor’s note: Each new issue of the Militant is now available in audio format. Go to and click on “Audio issues” in the left-hand side bar.  
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