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Vol. 80/No. 26      July 18, 2016



Passing on the ‘Militant’

You folks publish a good informative paper and my Spanish-speaking friends here remind me to pass it on when I’m done reading it. So not only I but we would like the subscription to continue.

A prisoner
New York

Do decrees advance struggle?

The Militant’s opposition to “presidential decrees” (“Gov’t ‘Bathroom’ Directive Sets Back Fight for Solidarity” in June 6 issue) sounds categorical. But is that the case? After all, Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation of 1862, Roosevelt’s order in 1941 to allow Blacks to be hired in defense industries, and Truman’s order in 1948 to desegregate the armed forces were all executive orders. And in 1962 civil rights leaders demanded that Kennedy issue a Second Emancipation for full scale desegregation — which would have been another executive order. Isn’t it really about which decrees actually advance the class struggle? Please clarify.

August Nimtz
Twin Cities, Minnesota

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