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Vol. 79/No. 47      December 28, 2015


‘The battle of ideas will not be lost’

Below is the talk given by Elián González Dec. 6 in Cárdenas, Cuba. Translation is by the Militant.

Today Cárdenas, the City of the Flag [where Cuban flag was first flown, in 1850], is full of joy for having with us Gerardo, René, Fernando, Ramón, and Antonio, Heroes of the Republic of Cuba. Exceptional men, they deserve the respect and the admiration of our people for having been in the belly of the beast defending our people from terrorism, from death, and for having resisted 16 years of unjust sentences in the prisons of the empire.

Sixteen years ago, the battle of our people for my return was beginning, a battle of justice against injustice, a battle in which you together with my father and my family demanded my return to our homeland. To all of you, my eternal gratitude, especially to the outstanding leader of our struggles, Fidel Castro Ruz.

This conflict arose because of the absurd and criminal Cuban Adjustment Act, the same law that has brought such death and suffering to our families, the one that today is causing nearly 4,000 Cubans in Costa Rica to risk their lives trying to reach the United States. All this is happening nearly a year after the statements of Dec. 17, 2014. So then, where is the change in policy toward Cuba? When will they reach a migration agreement with Cuba? When will they end the genocidal U.S. blockade that has been condemned by 182 nations around the world? When will they return the territory of the illegal Guantánamo Naval Base? As long as this remains part of the policy of the United States government towards Cuba, the people of Cárdenas and all Cubans will continue marching each Dec. 6 to demand justice.

“The battle of ideas must not be lost nor will it be lost, the human species depends on it,” declared Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro Ruz at the inauguration of this “Battle of Ideas” Museum on July 14, 2001. Thanks to this battle many social and educational programs were established for the benefit of our people and many clinics, rehabilitation centers, schools and art institutions were renovated or built.

It is a convincing demonstration of the truth of these words of the leader of the revolution that I am able to celebrate my birthday joyfully together with my people, my family, and my Five “uncles.”

When that historic battle began, Fidel declared, “The enemy who clings to stupid and loathsome injustice will not be able to resist our moral values, our truth, and our unstoppable strength in asserting our just demand. It will have no alternative but to return Elián as soon as possible.” And I did return to my family and my people.

In June 2001, when he reported the imprisonment of the Five to our people, Fidel said, “I will simply tell you this: They will return!” And here they are, the Five, in Cuba, with their people, with their families, in their revolution.

In the name of our people I would like to express our admiration for your commitment, your dedication, your selflessness, and your patriotism. You may be certain that the Cuban youth, the pioneers, the students of the FEEM who today are celebrating their anniversary, the university students, young workers and young combatants will be true to the principles to which we have been educated by Fidel and Raúl.

Let’s continue fighting this historic battle. Let’s continue having confidence in the value of ideas.

These ideas have always given us victory.

Long live the Cuban Revolution!

Long live Fidel and Raúl!

Socialism or death!

Homeland or death! We will win!
Related articles:
‘How little they know Cuban revolutionaries!’
Event celebrating return of Elián González, Cuban 5 looks to ‘battles ahead’
‘Thank you Cárdenas, thank you Cuba’
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