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Vol. 79/No. 47      December 28, 2015


Communist League: Oppose
attacks on Muslims, Jews

Militant/Paul Davies
LONDON — My campaign “is for the forging of a working-class leadership in the UK and internationally,” Jonathan Silberman, the Communist League candidate for mayor of London, told the weekly Jewish Chronicle in an interview published Nov. 27. “Fighting the rise of Jew-hatred is an important part of any working-class campaign today.”

In a follow-up letter, Silberman added a couple of points whose omission distorted his views. The author “accurately sums up the Communist League’s view that fighting Jew-hatred is a burning question,” he said. “So too, I explained, is the fight against anti-Muslim prejudice. As the UK government intensifies its war drive in the Middle East and cracks down on workers’ rights at home, this is even more important.” Silberman, right, took part in a Dec. 4 protest against the attempted firebombing of the Finsbury Park mosque.

The Chronicle also cited Silberman’s opposition to the campaign to boycott Israel, and quoted him saying, “I’m opposed to the capitalist government of Israel, but I’m equally opposed to the capitalist government of Britain or the United States.”


Related articles:
London meeting debates Jew-hatred, Israel boycott
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