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Vol. 79/No. 38      October 26, 2015

Help make Socialist Workers
Party-Building Fund

“Our Party-Building Fund goal is bumped up again to $3,645,” Frank Forrestal wrote Oct. 8 from the Twin Cities. This is the second increase Socialist Workers Party fund organizers there have made, totaling an additional $500 toward the national goal.

Overall local pledges still fall $6,000 short of meeting the $100,000 needed to help fund the work of the SWP. The funds are crucial to take advantage of growing opportunities to join in union and social struggles, spread the reach of the party’s press and books and expand its contacts and support. We need more areas to respond like the Twin Cities.

“We sent out a supplementary mailing to long-term readers of the Militant in the area,” Joel Britton from Oakland, California, said Oct. 12. “So far three have responded. One, who gave $75, is someone we’ve never met.” Party members and supporters in Oakland have helped lead the drive from the beginning and raised their goal. “The mail just arrived with three contributions for $600 more,” Britton wrote later the same day.

His report was just one example of combining work on the fund drive with efforts to meet and strengthen collaboration with new and old readers of the paper and others, who are attracted to the SWP today by new openings in the class struggle.

The growing response by workers and youth to explosive world developments — from the devastating consequences for toilers in Syria and throughout the Middle East caused by the U.S. rulers’ desperate efforts to hold together their crumbling imperialist “world order,” to the spread of the $15 and a union movement and other labor resistance to growing employer attacks generated from the deepening world crisis of capitalist production and trade, to greater interest in the international course of the Cuban Revolution today — mean growing opportunities for expansion of the communist movement.

The SWP’s timely and audacious response to these openings depends on success in the party’s annual fund effort.

“Next weekend supporters of the Party-Building Fund in the area are holding a cook-out,” Bill Arth said by phone Oct. 14 from Los Angeles. “We’re inviting people we’ve met recently as well as subscribers to the Militant. It’s part of a battle plan we’ve decided on for the next three weeks to make our goals in both the subscription and fund drive.

If you like what you’ve been reading in the Militant and want to see the Socialist Workers Party deepen its involvement in working class resistance here and around the world, please get out the word about the Party-Building Fund. And send as generous a contribution as your can!

John Studer is the 2015 SWP Party-Building Fund director.
Related articles:
Party-Building Fund Week 5
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