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Vol. 79/No. 33      September 21, 2015

25, 50, and 75 Years Ago

September 21, 1990

Unionists and working people should come to the aid of the embattled Greyhound strikers who are facing serious challenges in their seven-month fight against the giant bus company. The strike is in need of the united solidarity of the entire labor movement.

The Greyhound strike is understood by many workers as a battle against union-busting. Greyhound chairman Fred Currey forced 30 percent pay cuts on the 8,000 union members in 1987 and steep give-backs again this year.

The strike has won support on the picket line, at rallies and most recently during many Labor Day celebrations across the country. Strikers at Eastern Airlines and coal miners fighting company attacks in the coalfields have taken the lead in giving solidarity.

September 20, 1965

The war between Pakistan and India is one more explosion of a powderkeg planted by imperialism. In this case, it was planted by the British and stuffed with extra high explosives by the U.S. which has tended to replace British imperialist interests on the Indian subcontinent as well as elsewhere in the world.

After World War II, the British realized they would no longer be able to hold on to India. The wave of demonstrations and strikes and the Royal Indian Navy mutiny of 1946 supported by the Bombay workers made it clear that the British could not long hold on by a military and repressive apparatus. So the wily British imperialists applied the principle of which they are past masters — divide and rule.

September 21, 1940

A plenary session of the National Committee of the Socialist Workers Party will be held, jointly with active workers’ conference of delegates from all branches, in Chicago, September 27-29.

The Plenum-Conference will serve as the mobilization of the party to give reality to Comrade Leon Trotsky’s last words: “Please tell our friends I am sure of the victory of the Fourth International. Go forward.

The principal question under discussion will be the fundamental task of party policy toward the militarization of the United States. An unfinished article by Trotsky on this basic question was on his desk awaiting completion when the assassin struck him.  
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