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Vol. 79/No. 24      July 13, 2015

(front page, editorial)
Attacks on CP a danger to entire working class

The Militant stands shoulder to shoulder with the Communist Party of Ukraine, which faces physical assaults, destruction of their offices, and “disappearances” and murders of its members for exercising their right to participate in politics.

These attacks are a deadly threat to the working class and labor movement, precedents that will be turned against all those who fight for a class-struggle road forward in Ukraine.

They are the naked fist that gives meaning to the capitalist rulers’ “decommunization” laws, which seek to outlaw communist political views and activity and to empower the state to set “correct” history, which you challenge at your peril, and to the so far unsuccessful efforts to ban the CP.

The Poroshenko government in Kiev and the propertied rulers it represents are the class enemy of the workers and farmers in Ukraine. Fighting against the capitalist rulers in the interests of the toilers, gaining experience and confidence, searching for continuity in past class-struggle experiences — this is the revolutionary line of march needed to defend jobs, wages, safety on the job, and social and political rights.

It is the only axis on which a successful fight can be waged against the assaults by the Putin regime in Moscow and the forces they control in eastern Ukraine and Crimea.

The Socialist Workers Party and the Communist Leagues it collaborates with internationally — defenders of the 1917 Russian Revolution and Lenin’s course in the early 1920s, including Ukrainization and the flowering of Tatar culture in Crimea before the Stalinist counterrevolution, and co-fighters alongside the Cuban Revolution today — would be targets under Kiev’s “decommunization” laws and other assaults.

Miners, rail workers and other unionists fighting government and boss attacks in Ukraine are increasingly called “fifth columnists” by the rulers, the same charge used to justify the assaults on the CP. Using these slanders, the Security Service of Ukraine hauled Independent Miners Union President Mikhailo Volynets in for interrogation June 18.

Workers and all defenders of political rights must stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian Communist Party, its youth organization and members against physical attacks and legislative assaults of all kinds.

Hands off the Communist Party!
Related articles:
Protest widespread attacks on Communist Party in Ukraine
CP members assaulted in streets and parliament
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