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Vol. 79/No. 23      June 22, 2015

25, 50, and 75 Years Ago

June 22, 1990

CHICAGO — The worldwide significance of the unfolding struggles of working people in the United States, the momentous events in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, and building parties of communist workers were the central themes of the 35th Convention of the Socialist Workers Party.

Jack Barnes, national secretary of the SWP, presented the opening report. “The tearing apart of the bureaucratic regimes in Eastern Europe; the beginning of the disintegration of the Stalinist iceberg in the Soviet Union; the progress in Cuba towards reconquering the revolution for the working people, for Marxism and for socialism, the momentous events in South Africa,” have changed the world, he said.

June 21, 1965

NEW YORK — Shouts of “that’s right!” and applause interrupted Clifton DeBerry, Socialist Workers Party candidate for mayor of New York, as he addressed a public forum sponsored by the Organization of Afro-American Unity at the Hotel Theresa in Harlem.

Racism would exist here as long as capitalism does, the candidate declared.

DeBerry criticized the strategy of those who were active in the civil rights and antiwar protests, but who at the same time voted for the Democratic Party, which is responsible for the perpetuation of war and racism. DeBerry said that socialism is the only system capable of resolving the problems of oppressed people in all parts of the world.

June 22, 1940

Only three years ago the workers of France stood at the threshold of revolution.

But the French People’s Front of Blum-Stalin checked and dispersed the revolutionary wave with the dire warning: “Revolution will open the road to Hitler.” So the French workers gave the factories back to the capitalists. And the capitalists left the road open for Hitler.

The great risings of the workers in Spain, France and Belgium offered the only way of avoiding the victory of Fascism in Europe. Messrs. Stalin, Thorez, Blum and all the other Stalinist and Socialist lackeys of Western Europe brought those risings to nought. The result is the present catastrophe.  
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