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Vol. 77/No. 44      December 9, 2013

Socialist Workers Party fund
on track with four weeks to go
This week’s collection of $18,848 puts the SWP Party-Building Fund in the bold and brings the total to $55,585. Local areas need to sustain this effort to put the drive over the top by Dec. 17.

A number of areas report progress in winning new contributors and higher pledges this week.

Candace Wagner reports from New York that 15 contributors, the majority of whom are new subscribers to the Militant, gave to the Socialist Workers Party fund for the first time this week. Muba Yarofulam, who works midnight shift at a large department store, renewed her subscription and pledged $10 to the fund. “I have learned so much from the paper,” she said.

Amanda Ulman from Houston notes that several pledges are $50 to $100 higher this year. “People are glad to see the return to a weekly Militant Labor Forum series,” said Ulman. A Militant Labor Forum in Seattle with a panel of speakers collected more than $3,845 for the fund along with $2,280 in new pledges, reports Clay Dennison. (See article page 7.)

Militant readers and supporters can send contributions to the Socialist Workers Party office nearest you (see directory on page 8) or directly to the SWP National Office at 306 W. 37th St., 10th floor, New York, NY 10018.
Related articles:
Party-Building Fund Week 5 of 9 (chart)
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