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Vol. 77/No. 41      November 18, 2013

25, 50, and 75 Years Ago

November 18, 1988

Exposure of racist and sexist harassment within the New York City police department has spotlighted what seems to be growing brutalization among cops as social pressures in this capitalist society deepen. And in explosive situations, the internal discipline of the cops seems to suddenly break down as was shown last August when several hundred went on an all-night rampage in a city park, beating many homeless workers and youth.

The role of cops in capitalist society, as protectors of capitalist property and order, dictates that as the social and economic crisis deepens, working people are going to face increasing savagery and violence from police forces. This means protecting each other against assaults — by exposing them and mobilizing broad opposition — will become increasingly necessary for working people.

November 18, 1963

DETROIT, Nov. 11 — A highly successful Northern Negro Grass Roots Leadership Conference was held here this weekend. The conference outlined a program of militant action, including support to the idea of independent Negro political action and the Freedom Now Party.

The working session of the conference was attended by 156 Negro delegates from 18 cities and nine states. The wind-up rally at the King Solomon Baptist Church, featuring speakers Muslim leader Malcolm X, Rev. Albert Cleage and newsman William Worthy, was attended by an enthusiastic audience of several thousand, many of whom volunteered for petitioning to put the Freedom Now Party on the ballot in Michigan.

Worthy might be in jail during the 1964 election. He is appealing conviction on a charge of returning to the U.S. from Cuba without a passport.

November 19, 1938

Throughout Germany bands of Nazi gangsters organized and commanded by their leaders, have wrecked and looted stores owned by Jews. Jewish synagogues have been burned and destroyed by the instructed Fascist mobs. The workers of Germany, who hate and despise Hitlerism with all their strength, were unable to come to the aid of the brutalized Jews because they are themselves still in the straitjacket of the Nazi terror.

The workers of the United States must take the initiative in a mighty and effective protest against the Hitlerite pogroms.

To let the Fascist massacres go unanswered, is only to prepare for our own defeat and enslavement at the hands of Fascist reaction in this country.

Throw open the doors of the United States to the victims of the Hitlerite pogrom regime!  
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