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Vol. 77/No. 34      September 30, 2013

25, 50, and 75 Years Ago 

September 30, 1988

FBI Director William Sessions has admitted that a spy program begun in 1981 against the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES) later led to separate investigations targeting nine other organizations and 169 individuals.

From 1981 to at least 1985, the FBI used informers and undercover agents to identify those who participated in CISPES-initiated activities, opening files on these people and organizations they belonged to. Trade unionists who attended activities opposing U.S. policy in Central America were singled out.

The spy program was initiated, under classified “Foreign Intelligence/Terrorism” guidelines, on the pretext of investigating alleged CISPES connections with terrorism.

September 30, 1963

New York, Sept. 22 — Police twice broke up peaceful civil rights demonstrations with horses and clubs on Sept. 20, the day President John F. Kennedy addressed the United Nations here. It was the first use of horses against civil rights demonstrators in New York City.

The demonstrations began in the UN’s Hammarskjold Plaza, with some 600 pickets from various groups forming one line to protest to Kennedy about the Birmingham bombings.

Slogans ranged from “Uphold Human Rights” and “Arrest Gov. Wallace” to “Kennedy is Responsible,” “Federal Troops to Alabama,” and “Armed Self Defense Is the Only Guarantee That the Negro Will be Protected.”

October 1, 1938

Every militant worker, every anti-fascist throughout the world stands solidly behind the Czech workers and peasants in their burning, noble desire to resist and smash Hitler.

But there is only one way to fight Hitler and Hitlerism: by breaking altogether away from your own bourgeoisie oppressors and their state, by uniting firmly and independently your own class ranks, by launching your own firm and independent struggle under your own leaders and toward your own aims.

The workers and peasants of Czechoslovakia can defend themselves against Hitler and Hitlerism only through a class war, a revolutionary war, in unalterable opposition to their own bourgeois government and to every bourgeois nation.  
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