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Vol. 75/No. 46      December 19, 2011


In the Dec. 5 issue the article titled “Economic, Political Crisis Looms Over Capitalist Europe” incorrectly said the Greek government is paying close to 7 percent interest on new bonds. Ten-year Italian government bonds have a yield of around 7 percent. Yields on Greek 10-year bonds were 29 percent at the time the article was written and have since risen to nearly 32 percent.

The name of the butcher quoted in the article “Locked-Out Workers Picket Meat Plant in New Zealand” in the Nov. 28 issue is Trevor Collins, not Trevor Collis.

In the article “UK Family Fights Eviction by Gov’t After ‘Terror’ Frame-Up” printed in the Dec. 12 issue, two undercover police officers claimed that defendants were being “groomed to fight abroad against coalition and British troops in Afghanistan.” The cops actually said they were being groomed by the defendants.  
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