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Vol. 75/No. 28      August 1, 2011

‘Just what I, as a young
Egyptian, need to read’

Sarah Dorra, a young woman in Cairo, Egypt, who is reading Malcolm X, Black Liberation, and the Road to Workers Power by Jack Barnes, has been posting her comments on the popular online book club and readers forum

“Just what I, as a young Egyptian, need to read after 25th January Revolution,” she wrote after finishing page 58 of the book—the end of the chapter with the January 1965 interview with Malcolm X that first appeared in the Young Socialist magazine. January 25 was the day of the first popular mobilization in Egypt earlier this year that led to President Hosni Mubarak’s resignation on February 11.

A number of working people and youth in Egypt took advantage of the opportunity to pick up copies of Malcolm X, Black Liberation, and the Road to Workers Power from an international team of socialist workers participating in the Tahrir Book Fair in Cairo in April. During the five-day book event, and at a large April 1 demonstration for political rights in Tahrir Square, nearly 250 books and pamphlets on revolutionary politics, published and distributed by Pathfinder Press, were sold, as well as 24 subscriptions to the Militant.

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