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Vol. 75/No. 26      July 18, 2011

‘Malcolm X, Black Liberation, and
Road to Workers Power’ out in Greek
ATHENS, Greece—Malcolm X, Black Liberation, and the Road to Workers Power by Jack Barnes was recently released in Greek by the Athens-based publishing house Diethnes Vima (International Forum). The new book contains a selection of documents and photos from the English-language book published by Pathfinder Press with the same title. (See ad on this page.)

As of the end of June, 63 copies had been ordered by 12 bookstores in Athens and Thessaloniki.

Two copies of the book were picked up at a June 28 protest strike here against government austerity. Five other copies have been sold at strike actions over the past month.

Diethnes Vima is planning book launchings in Athens, Hania-Crete, and Thessaloniki this fall to promote the new book along with Malcolm X Talks to Young People, published late last year.

Both books are available through Pathfinder Press.
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