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Vol. 75/No. 24      July 4, 2011

‘Militant’ fund over the top
with 111 new contributors

This year’s Militant Fighting Fund was a great success, raising $123,572 for the paper during the eight-week drive. That’s substantially more than the $116,000 international goal, as well as the $117,200 collected last year.

An additional $615 has arrived since the June 6 deadline for the scoreboard, bringing the total collected to more than $124,000.

Partisans of the paper from six areas outside the United States exceeded their combined quotes by $3,571! Members of the communist movement in Houston, San Francisco, Seattle, and Montreal, Canada, all raised their goals during the drive.

In four cities, supporters of the paper did not meet their quota—by just a few hundred dollars in three areas.

This year 111 readers of the paper gave to the fund for the first-time, well more than double the new contributors from last year! This advance marked the effort in nearly every area—a result both of increased receptivity to the paper among working people and greater political attention by organizers of local drives.

For example, last year supporters of the fund in Houston had one first-time contributor. This year they had seven, plus six others who dropped modest donations into cans on communist literature tables.

Among the new contributors were a number of workers and students who’ve been reading the Militant for some time but hadn’t yet decided to help support it financially. Others included locked-out workers who see the paper as a political weapon in their struggle, coworkers of Militant supporters, readers who attended public fund-raising forums, and people who first subscribed after Militant supporters knocked on their doors.

A thank you to all who have contributed and to those who led the successful effort around the world. You can be sure these funds will be put to good use maintaining and strengthening the Militant, a paper that for more than 80 years has served to advance the interests of the workers of the world.

Doug Nelson
Militant Fighting Fund Director
Related articles:
'Militant' Fighting Fund Spring 2011 Final Chart  
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