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Vol. 75/No. 16      April 25, 2011

Thousands march to defend
public workers under attack

Columbus, Ohio

COLUMBUS, Ohio—More than 11,000 demonstrators gathered at the Ohio Statehouse April 9 to protest antiunion legislation signed into law March 31 by Gov. John Kasich. The rally was called to kick off a campaign to repeal the new law, known as Senate Bill 5, in a statewide referendum this November.

A broad spectrum of public workers unions participated along with union coal miners, steelworkers, construction workers, nurses, and others.


CHICAGO—Thousands of workers crowded into Daley Plaza in downtown Chicago April 9 to protest attacks on workers rights and show solidarity with public workers in Wisconsin, Indiana, and Ohio.

Among the largest contingents were hotel workers from UNITE HERE, Chicago Teachers Union, and the Illinois Federation of Teachers. They met at the Hyatt Hotel for a rally and spirited march to Daley Plaza. Workers at the Hyatt in Chicago have been fighting for a union contract for over a year.

Bill Wroblewski, a member of Sheet Metal Workers Local 1, from Wynet, Illinois, said there was a rally of 400 in his area April 4. “Right now there are 40 chemical workers in Henry, Illinois, who were locked out of their jobs two weeks ago. They have set up picket lines. The company wants what they all want—a 30 percent pay cut.”

Just days before the union protest Chicago mayor-elect Rahm Emanuel laid out demands that teachers work longer hours and give up the right to strike. And he accused sanitation workers, members of Laborers Local 1001, of chronic absenteeism.

Olympia, Washington

OLYMPIA, Washington—More than 7,000 unionists and their allies rallied at the state capitol here April 8. There were contingents from the Carpenters, International Longshore and Warehouse Union, Teamsters, American Federation of Teachers, Washington Education Association, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Laborers, Amalgamated Transit, and Firefighters unions, along with unions representing the Washington State ferry workers.

The Washington State legislature is proposing $4.4 billion in cuts to education, health care, and other social programs, as well as denying social services to undocumented workers.
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Workers hit by ‘shared sacrifice’ in California  
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