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Vol. 75/No. 13      April 4, 2011


Prisoners’ discount
I just received a notice that I have 2 issues remaining before my sub runs out. This will get to you late due to institutional procedures. Yet you should still find here a check for $12 to cover the cost for another full-year subscription at the prisoners’ discount.

A prisoner

I am a student at University of Minnesota Morris. I would contribute if I could. Keep up the good work. Solidarity forever!

Morris, Minnesota

‘Family farmer’ term
The article in the March 7 Militant on demonstrations in Wisconsin reported “family farmers” were among those participating. I think use of this term is problematic for the workers movement. Farmers work the land, just as they form their political opinions, as individuals who assume all the responsibilities of production. Household members, if they exist, can and sometimes do provide direct but more often indirect support. Of course, the material fate of the household is directly tied to the economic fortunes of the farm. I think the term persists as an ideal in bourgeois society to help maintain and reinforce the domestic slavery of women.

Simply saying there were farmers who came out to support the workers’ struggles is enough to understand the significance.

Karl Butts
Plant City, Florida

Appreciates paper
Thanks for publishing on the needs of workers and the poor.

Hamden, Connecticut
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