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Vol. 75/No. 5      February 7, 2011

25, 50 and 75 years ago

February 7, 1986
ST. PAUL, Minn.—More than 2,500 farmers and their supporters rallied at the State Capitol here to demand a special session of the legislature to take immediate action to help working farmers. The January 21 rally culminated the Tractorcade and March for Justice in Rural America.

The rally marked the one-year anniversary of last year's farm protest of 10,000 here. Speakers and participants agreed that the crisis facing family farmers has worsened in the past year.

The demonstration focused on demands for a one-year moratorium on foreclosures and repossessions to cover farms, homes, small businesses, and banks; minimum price legislation for farm products; and a debt restructuring program, including emergency survival programs.  
February 6, 1961
In his State of the Union message to Congress, Kennedy repeated promises to Latin America that have been made by every tenant of the White House since the time of Franklin D. Roosevelt. "Free and prosperous" countries, "economic and social progress," a "new hemisphere attack on illiteracy and inadequate educational opportunities."

The real feelings of the capitalists who stand behind the White House were in those parts of Kennedy's message where he smeared the [Cuban] revolutionary government as tyrannical.

The unforgivable crime of the Cuban people in the eyes of Kennedy and the millionaire circles he belongs to was that they finally rebelled against capitalist property rights.  
February 8, 1936
NEW YORK, Feb. 2—A packed hall of over 700 people in Irving Plaza reared an enthusiastic "Aye" to a resolution protesting Stalin's anti-Bolshevik repressions and calling for a committee to investigate the Daily Worker frame-up against the NEW MILITANT and Leon Trotsky.

With overwhelming approval the audience endorsed sending a cablegram of solidarity and confidence in its name to comrade Leon Trotsky in view of the slanderous charges made against him in the Stalinist scandal sheet.

The speakers at this meeting, comrades Cannon and Muste, called to protest Stalin's terror in the Soviet Union, lashed out against the murderous treatment accorded to Bolshevik-Leninists and the attempt to cover it up in the U.S. by a miserable frame-up.  
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