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Vol. 75/No. 2      January 17, 2011


Free speech at Volvo
Three young workers at Volvo, Skövde in Sweden were fired as they called Volvo a “madhouse” and “cuckoo’s nest” on Facebook. The company and the main employers’ organization said in the media that they don’t accept official critiques by “their” workers. Most commentators agreed there is a collision between freedom of speech and capitalist needs. One called the Volvo rules “feudal.”

Discussions on my job didn’t show any big expectations among young workers about the right to free speech. Years of Social Democratic rule in Sweden have implemented feudal company rules and labor laws lowering workers’ expectations of their rights.

Lars Erlandsson
Stockholm, Sweden

U.S. troops abroad
Watching the beginning of the Giants/Packers football game the other night, the announcer boasted that the game was “being broadcast on Armed Forces Network to American troops in 195 countries.” I thought this must be incorrect, so I did some research. It turns out the announcer had, indeed, read the number wrong. There are American troops currently stationed in only 135 countries—some 70 percent of the countries on the globe.

Allan Grady
West St. Paul, Minnesota

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