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Vol. 74/No. 41      November 1, 2010

Socialist candidates join solidarity
march for Roquette workers
KEOKUK, Iowa—Socialist Workers Party candidates from Illinois and Iowa got a welcoming and serious response from workers locked out at Roquette America, Inc. October 16. I joined three other Socialist Workers candidates in the spirited march in solidarity with the 240 locked-out workers of Local 48G of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union.

One worker was exuberant about the solidarity other unions and workers have organized with their fight. “I have been transformed,” he said. When we showed him a copy of the Militant, he explained that a coworker who subscribes had already introduced it to him.

Over the course of two visits to Keokuk, nine workers signed up for subscriptions to the Militant and one bought a copy of Malcolm X, Black Liberation, and the Road to Workers Power by Jack Barnes.

Several of the locked-out workers live across the Mississippi River in Illinois. They were happy to meet Alyson Kennedy, the SWP candidate for U.S. Senate in Illinois. Kennedy related her experiences in Utah in 2003-2005 as a coal miner on strike.

David Rosenfeld is the SWP candidate for governor of Iowa.
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SWP candidates in 2010  
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