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Vol. 74/No. 30      August 9, 2010

A political error appeared in the headline and final paragraph of the editorial in the August 2 issue of the Militant. The headline “Take the high ground—Free Cuban 5!” can be read as a call on Washington to “take the high ground.” But the U.S. imperialist rulers and their government never have, and never can, take the high ground on any question of interest to the working class and oppressed anywhere in the world. And the first two sentences of the final paragraph mistakenly imply that Militant readers somehow need to be called on to “take the moral high ground” on this international defense campaign.

If you change the headline to simply “Free the Cuban 5!” and keep only the closing sentence of the final paragraph—“Join the growing worldwide campaign demanding ‘Free the Cuban Five!’”—then the editorial expresses what was intended. —Editor  
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