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Vol. 74/No. 19      May 17, 2010

‘Let’s give to the party
and fight capitalism’
The Supporters Monthly Appeal raises funds to help finance the work of the Socialist Workers Party. Organizers have been working to increase the number of monthly contributors to more than 500. This week we begin a column featuring comments from new contributors on why they decided to start giving a regular monthly donation to the party’s work.

From Michael Hopp, a railroad worker and member of the United Transportation Union, in Chicago:

“A good friend who works on the railroad showed me a copy of the Militant last May. Then I read Teamster Rebellion and it transformed me. It showed me what it takes, what a party can do. If you have the right people, with the right program, this is what can happen.

“I’ve loaned my copy of Malcolm X, Black Liberation, and the Road to Workers Power to three or four other people on the job to read.

“It’s like now I have the right lenses on to see the world and understand what’s really going on. Many organizations collect money for charity. I say, let’s give to the party and fight capitalism. Let’s stop the source of the problem.”


From Elizabeth McKay-Campion in Seattle, a grocery store worker and member of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union:

“I first met the party a couple years ago. I’ve always been skeptical about the things we are taught about politics. Then when I saw Pathfinder books, it just hit me. This is what I was looking for.

“It’s made such a big difference being able to use what I’ve learned reading the Militant, attending Militant Labor Forums. I use it to talk with coworkers on the job. We used to be very divided at my store, now we’re more together, we work more as a unit, we see who the real enemy is. We’re organized.”

“I think it’s very important to contribute. I’m just glad to give. It’s so important to get this information out there for people with everything that’s going on in the world.”


From a New York City deli worker originally from Mexico:

“I first saw the Militant last May when a truck driver who comes in all the time showed me a copy of it that had an article about Benito Juárez [the 19th century Mexican revolutionary democrat].

“It was the first time anyone in the country ever talked to me about politics. Since then I’ve been reading the paper, coming to Militant Labor Forums, reading the Pathfinder books, and learning by talking to people with lots of political experience.

“We need to do here what they did in Cuba. It’s not going to be easy, but it can be done. To overcome capitalism here will be an important thing for the whole world.”


Join us! Contact a distributor of the Militant listed on page 8.

—Don Mackle  
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