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Vol. 73/No. 19      May 18, 2009

Half million march
in Havana for May Day

More than half a million people poured into the Plaza of the Revolution in Havana May 1 to celebrate this international workers’ holiday. The rally was marked by a celebration of 50 years since the triumph of the Cuban Revolution and the 70th anniversary of the Central Organization of Cuban Workers.

Former Cuban president and central leader of the revolution Fidel Castro commented on the celebration in his newspaper column. Explaining some history about the origins of May Day and the connection to Cuba’s socialist revolution, Castro referred to Washington’s 50-year campaign to destroy the Cuban Revolution.

“Today they are prepared to pardon us if we resign ourselves to return to the fold as slaves, who after knowing freedom accept anew the whip and yoke,” he wrote. “The adversary should never have the illusion that Cuba will surrender.”


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