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Vol. 73/No. 19      May 18, 2009

New donors aid ‘Militant’ fund
The eight-week campaign to raise $105,000 to help finance the Militant newspaper is ahead of schedule, with 70 percent of the quota collected. Supporters in Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., have decided to increase their goals, bringing the total amount pledged to $104,550.

Supporters of the socialist newsweekly are working to increase the number of contributors to the fund, with special attention to new readers and those who’ve not given before.

Susan Lamont of Washington, D.C., reports partisans of the paper in that city have taken a goal of winning four new contributors in the next couple of weeks as they build on the success of their fund-raising efforts so far.

“We had a wonderful meeting for the Militant Fund in Pittsburgh,” Lamont wrote. “Twelve people attended a house meeting to hear a report by Omari Musa on ‘The Cuban Revolution in World Politics Today.’ A wide-ranging discussion on the Cuban Revolution, Equatorial Guinea, the Palestinian struggle, and other questions followed the presentation. A delicious meal was enjoyed by all!” Lamont reports that a total of $2,180 was contributed and pledged.

In New York Militant supporters have secured pledges and contributions totaling $15,900 from more than 120 people.

“We took a goal to win 20 new contributors,” reports Cindy Jaquith. “Some of the new people who have pledged so far include a bus driver from Brooklyn who renewed his subscription earlier this year, a Cuba solidarity activist, and a young worker who has begun attending Militant Labor Forums.”

Harry D’Agostino, a junior at Elisabeth Irwin High School in Manhattan, gave $10 and reports he takes the Militant into school to show to his fellow students and introduces the ideas in its pages into classes and discussions.

Please contribute to the fund! Your donation helps to cover the operating expenses for the paper as well as allowing it to field reporting teams and respond to openings and opportunities to tell the truth about the struggles of toilers worldwide.

The campaign ends May 19. All money received by May 26 will be counted in the final total. For more information on activities in your area or to make a donation, contact a distributor near you listed on page 8.

'Militant' Fund Drive: Week 5

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