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Vol. 72/No. 42      October 27, 2008

Help us get ‘Militant’ out to prisoners
“Your paper is a wonderful way to stay informed of all the news that truly interests me, yet it is hard to get in here,” writes a Mississippi prisoner asking the Militant for a subscription renewal.

The Militant’s Prisoners Fund makes it possible to provide discounted subscriptions to fellow workers behind bars—$6 for six months or $12 for a year. We urge you to contribute. So far in 2008, close to $1,400 has been contributed.

The Militant also appeals to its readers to help expand the number of prisoners who take advantage of the fund to get the socialist newsweekly. The United States has the highest rate of imprisonment of any country in the world—1 in 99 adults—and it has nearly tripled in the last 20 years. Workers behind bars are interested and need the coverage and analysis the Militant provides of resistance by workers worldwide, of the capitalist financial crisis, and how workers can defend themselves.

We invite you to win new readers among those behind bars and to contribute to the fund. Let your coworkers, friends, and others know about the fund. Send your request for a subscription or your contribution to the Militant at 306 W. 37th Street, 10th floor, New York, NY 10018.
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