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Vol. 72/No. 29      July 21, 2008

'Blood money' appeal at $47,800
Contributions continue to grow to the appeal for members and supporters of the Socialist Workers Party and Young Socialists to donate their “Economic Stimulus” checks to the Capital Fund. Ninety contributors have now donated $47,800.

A member of the party in Des Moines, a meat packer, writes: “I received a $100 bonus from work. They told us it was to cover gas price increases. Recently they have been slaughtering more hogs per day than they ever have. This money should be put to use for the party.”

A many-decades-long veteran cadre of the party in California sent $300 with a note saying it reflects “the amount of ‘blood money’ from the so-called ‘stimulus payment.’ It gives me great pleasure to put the money where it will do some good.”

These contributions go to the Capital Fund, dedicated solely to long-term publishing projects over the next decade and beyond. Contributors to this special “Economic Stimulus” appeal are carrying forward a proud tradition of members of the communist movement contributing “blood money” contract-signing bonuses—employer bribes given in lieu of paying higher wages—and so-called safety and production bonuses used to shut us up when life and limb are at stake. The "Economic Stimulus" checks are more of the same "blood money."

This appeal complements that of the Militant to readers to contribute their checks to the socialist press (see box).

One contributor writes: “Please add the enclosed $300 to the party’s Blood Money fund, Courtesy of the U.S. government. My mother qualified. As a beneficiary of her estate I’m delighted to be able to make appropriate use of it.”

The government is still sending out the checks. Join the appeal!

Dave Prince is the director of the Economic Stimulus Capital Appeal.  
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