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Vol. 72/No. 17      April 28, 2008

Truckers’ protest
I’m writing to let you know that truckers will rally in Washington, D.C., April 28 against high fuel costs. Stand up, speak out, or go broke!

By e-mail

Obama and race
In the “As I see it” column in the April 14 Militant, you made a number of important observations about Barack Obama’s March 18 speech on race relations. You referred to the numerous times he used the words “we” and “American” as a conscious attempt to hide the class war that U.S. rulers are waging against working people in this country.

But there was one statement in the article that I thought cut across the argument you were making. You said, “U.S. workers have nothing to be proud of in the record of wars waged by Washington around the world, wars that have taken a disproportionate toll on soldiers who are Black.”

I understand the point you were trying to make about the fact that due to the racism of the rulers, Blacks pay a bigger price in terms of dead and wounded for the U.S. rulers’ wars today.

But it is the toilers of the world that have paid the most disproportionate share in terms of blood and treasure for U.S. imperialism’s wars. This was an important part of the class truth that Obama was trying to hide in his speech.

Mike Galati
New York, NY

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