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Vol. 72/No. 15      April 14, 2008

Cuban elections
I very much needed your comments on Cuba’s National Assembly elections. You explained Raúl Castro’s speech in a way that showed the historic context of his points.

James Lambrecht
By e-mail

SWP presidential campaign
I have been excited to read about the Socialist Workers campaign and am a proud supporter of it. For supporters of the campaign, it would be helpful to have a website that contains all the campaign-related material, which the Militant did last time around.

Also, I noticed that in the lead sentence of the front page story in a recent issue, Alyson Kennedy is quoted as saying that if the SWP candidates were elected to office, they would “enact legislation” to end raids and deportations. It’s good for the campaign to tell workers what concretely they would do if elected, but last time I checked the president and vice president don’t “enact” legislation—Congress does.

It would probably be more helpful for the campaign to say that if elected, the SWP candidates would lead a fight for legislation to end raids and deportations.

Carl Weinberg
Bloomington, Indiana

Strikes in Vietnam
Recently there were a couple of interesting articles in the Vietnam News. One reported that there was a big increase in the number of “unauthorized” strikes in Vietnam in 2007, particularly in the garment industry. A major factor in these strikes has been that wages are not keeping up with inflation.

A couple of days later an article appeared reporting that the government is going to fine workers engaging in “unauthorized” strikes up to three months’ pay.

I don’t think that class tensions in Vietnam have reached the level of China. But things seem to be heading in the same direction.

Tony Prince
Hanoi, Vietnam

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