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Vol. 72/No. 11      March 17, 2008

25, 50 and 75 years ago
March 18, 1983
The Reagan administration has sharply increased its demand for more military aid to the dictatorship in El Salvador. The move comes as rebel forces there score more victories, urban workers renew their struggle against the regime, and popular support grows for the rebels’ call for immediate negotiations.

On March 8, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger told congressional leaders that instead of an extra $60 million in military aid, the White house now is pushing to send the Salvadoran regime a total of $110 million this year.

Speaking in San Francisco March 4, President Reagan said that Washington “may want to go beyond” the current limit of 55 U.S. military personnel in El Salvador.  
March 17, 1958
Although unemployment is admitted by Secretary of Labor Mitchell to have reached a post-war record of 5,173,000, the Democrats and Republicans are just now belatedly taking the first slow steps—and inadequate ones at that—to meet the crisis.

According to the March 13 N.Y. Times, at the AFL-CIO Emergency Conference in Washington there was “a strong current of opposition among labor leaders” to the temporary nature of both Republican and Democratic proposals on unemployment compensation.

A minimum demand for labor should be unemployment compensation for the entire period of unemployment and extension of benefits to all those needing jobs. Moreover, labor must demand that unemployment compensation be at full trade-union wages.  
March 18, 1933
The onslaught of Fascism is sweeping over the German working class with breath-taking swiftness. The heavy blows already struck have served to raise the necessity of united front action as the immediate life-and-death question of the German proletariat.

A capitalist Germany—under Fascist rule—cannot exist without imperialist aggression against the USSR. A socialist Germany can only exist as a unit with the USSR in its extension to the Soviet United States of Europe. That is what the question of Fascism or Communism means to the international working class.

Against the Brown Shirt agents of world imperialism—the Red Army, the arm of the international working class, must be prepared to act!  
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