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Vol. 72/No. 9      March 3, 2008

25, 50 and 75 years ago
March 4, 1983
PUERTO CABEZAS—If the weeklong U.S.-Honduran show of military forces just north of here was intended to spread fear and demoralization, this correspondent can personally testify that Pentagon planners were handed a big disappointment.

On Nicaragua’s northern Atlantic Coast, the area closest to the site of the maneuvers, the reaction among the population demonstrated how deep opposition runs to U.S. intervention. This includes among the Miskito Indians whom Reagan is so fond of portraying as “victims” of the revolution.

Several thousand Miskitos, English-speaking Afro-Nicaraguans, and native Spanish speakers marched together through the streets here February 1 to protest the opening of the maneuvers.  
March 3, 1958
Indignation was spreading in the local labor movement this week with the shocking story of physical beating of Eric Reinthaler, a defendant in the Taft-Hartley conspiracy case.

Reinthaler, a machinist, was sentenced together with six other defendants to 18 months in prison and $2,500 fine. The conviction was on a charge of conspiracy to file and to cause others to file false non-Communist affidavits with the National Labor Relations Board.

Delay in making bail for Reinthaler resulted in his detention in County Jail for two nights. Seven or eight [thugs] rushed into the small cell and attacked Reinthaler. Four grabbed him and held him while others punched him and tried to ram his head against the wall.  
March 3, 1933
Every day brings the report of a new blow dealt the German working class movement by the Hitler regime. No half-sane person above the age of six has put the slightest credence in the Fascist charge that the Communists set fire to the Reichstag building. But while nobody takes the charge seriously, it has sufficed the Nazis to launch their reign of terror and to extend it more widely with the passage of every day. The Times reports that “Communist arrests included the entire executive committee of the party in Berlin and Reichstag deputies and party executives elsewhere.” In Berlin alone there are more than 300 Communists held. The Communist leaders must be forced out of their criminal passivity. There is no retreat: All that is left is mortal combat—or annihilation!  
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