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Vol. 72/No. 1      January 7, 2008

Bolivia: opposing marches
around constitution
Assocciated Press

Tens of thousands of workers and peasants demonstrated December 15 in La Paz, Bolivia’s capital, in support of a new constitution proposed by President Evo Morales. A similar number mobilized that day in the four wealthiest provinces—Santa Cruz, Tarija, Beni, and Pando—to oppose the constitution and call for their region’s “autonomy.” Capitalist spokespeople in those provinces are calling for a referendum to establish regional decision-making power over natural gas royalties, land policy, and the police. The energy industries were nationalized in 2006. Capitalists and landlords also oppose the constitution’s granting of autonomous rights to Bolivia’s indigenous majority. The four provinces are more white and mestizo than other regions. Morales placed the military on alert before the demonstrations.


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