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Vol. 71/No. 46      December 10, 2007

‘Ny International 5’ launched in Sweden
Militant/Eva Schmitz
Lars Johannson and Catharina Tirsén at November 10 program in Stockholm


STOCKHOLM, Sweden—The fifth issue of Ny International, the Swedish-language translation of the Marxist magazine New International, was launched here November 10 during a weekend of political education and campaigning. The feature article in the issue is “Our Politics Start with the World” by Jack Barnes.

Speakers included Steve Clark, managing editor of New International and author of two articles in the issue; Anita Östling, a leader of the Communist League in Sweden and one of New International’s international consultants; Debbie Delange, head of the indexing team of Pathfinder’s Print Project; Lars Johansson, a volunteer in the project; Filip Tedelund of the Young Socialists in Sweden; and, chairing the event, Catharina Tirsén, who is responsible for the Swedish translation.

Ny International no. 5, a translation of issue 13 of New International, is the ninth Swedish-language title distributed by Pathfinder Press. Other titles include The Changing Face of U.S. Politics by Jack Barnes and Socialism and Man in Cuba by Ernesto Che Guevara.

Delange and Johansson described the international volunteer effort that went into translating, typesetting, and preparing the magazine. “The index was prepared by 21 people in only one week, to make it in time for the Gothenburg Book Fair in September,” said Delange.

The magazine has been sold at plant gates, on street tables, and at political events here since it came off the presses. Members and supporters of the communist movement in Sweden, Canada, Norway, the United States, and the United Kingdom participated in the weekend’s activities.


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