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Vol. 71/No. 43      November 19, 2007

Third area increases fund quota
WASHINGTON—Supporters of the Militant continue to make progress in the eight-week campaign to raise $100,000 for the socialist newsweekly by November 25. Just over $12,000 was contributed and sent in for the second week in a row.

The campaign remains slightly behind schedule. With three weeks remaining, just over half of the goal has been raised. We will need to increase the weekly collections to $15,000 to achieve the goal on time. Reaching out broadly is the key.

Partisans of the Militant in Los Angeles raised their quota by $500 to $9,000. That increase helped to reduce the shortfall in total quotas to $725. Their example needs to be emulated.

“The Militant is an important anti-imperialist newspaper,” said Elio Hoyos, a janitor and member of Service Employees International Union Local 615. Hoyos spoke November 3 at a Militant fund-raising event in Boston.

“Fellow fighters have told me they consider it very necessary. There are no big-business restrictions on what it covers. It brings clarity. It unites us. I invite you to join in getting this paper out to other workers,” Hoyos said.

He was joined on the platform by Ari Sahakian, who has been active in demonstrations opposing the U.S.-led war in Iraq. “I’ve been reading the Militant since the January 27 antiwar action,” Sahakian said. “Other newspapers I’ve seen at antiwar actions present them as an effort to get Congress to take action. But as the Militant points out, it’s the marchers who are taking the action.”

The featured speaker was Cindy Jaquith, a writer for the Militant.

Militant supporters in Philadelphia increased their goal by $800 following a successful fund meeting October 20. Michael Taber spoke on the political legacy of Thomas Sankara, leader of a popular revolution in the West African country of Burkina Faso from 1983 to 1987. The audience of 20 contributed $1,000 to the fund.

To make a contribution, contact local distributors listed on page 8 or send checks payable to the Militant at the address listed on page 2.

Click here to see the fund drive chart

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