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Vol. 71/No. 24      June 18, 2007

Cuba solidarity group founded in Canada
Militant/ Beverly Bernardo
Cuban ambassador to Canada Ernesto Senti Darias salutes founding of Hamilton Friendship Association with Cuba May 26 in Hamilton, Ontario.

HAMILTON, Ontario—More than 80 people attended a May 26 conference here on “Cuba’s Work Worldwide” and founded the Hamilton Friendship Association with Cuba. Sponsors included the Hamilton and District Labour Council, McMaster New Democratic Party Club, and Pueblo Unido Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front Hamilton.

Isaac Saney, a professor in Halifax, Nova Scotia, described the contribution of Cuban volunteer troops in Angola to Namibia’s independence and the overthrow of the apartheid regime in South Africa. Saney also showed the documentary Sisters’ & Brothers’ Keeper: Cuba and Southern African Liberation, which he co-produced.

Danay Saavedra Hernández and Pura Concepción Avilés Cruz, deputies to Cuba’s National Assembly and members of its Health Commission, spoke on Cuba’s internationalist medical work in sending 30,000 health workers to some 69 countries around the world.

The Cuban ambassador to Canada, Ernesto Senti Darias, saluted the founding of the friendship association. Senti also urged everyone to help build a North American conference to free the Cuban Five, to be held in Toronto in November.


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