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Vol. 71/No. 18      May 7, 2007

On to close gap in ‘Militant’ fund
April 25—Militant supporters sent in nearly $16,000 toward the paper’s $100,000 spring fund drive last week. That’s the highest amount collected in a single week, as we head toward the halfway mark in the eight-week campaign.

If such a steady increase in the pace of collections keeps up, the $3,175 shortfall from being on target can be closed by next week. Making up that gap, and then sending in $12,500 per week for the last four weeks, is crucial in helping the Militant meet its operating expenses.

Militant Labor Forums focused on fund-raising boosted collection last week. Supporters of the paper held such events in Chicago, New York, San Francisco, and the Twin Cities.

Ernest Mailhot, a packinghouse worker in Chicago, sent the following description of the event there:

“Thirty people, including a number of youth, attended a Chicago Militant Labor Forum given by veteran Socialist Workers Party leader Tom Leonard. He discussed the lessons of the Cuban Revolution today and his experiences as a merchant seaman sailing into Asian ports during and following World War II. This included China and Korea, where revolutionary struggles took place to liberate these countries from imperialist exploitation. A lively discussion followed the presentation and more than $800 was raised for the Militant Fund Drive.”

Supporters of the paper in Philadelphia just increased their quota—a much needed initiative, since the total of local quotas are $6,000 shy of the international goal.

Join the effort! Send checks payable to the Militant, earmarked “Fund Drive,” to 306 W. 37th St., 10th Floor, New York, NY 10018.

Click here to see the fund drive chart

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