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Vol. 71/No. 14      April 9, 2007

25, 50 and 75 years ago
April 9, 1982
After more than two years of silence, the U.S. Board of Immigration Appeals has turned down Héctor Marroquín's request for political asylum in the United States.

Marroquín, a twenty-eight-year-old native of Mexico, is a member of the Socialist Workers Party National Committee and of the National Executive Committee of the Young Socialist Alliance.

The immigration board ruling comes on the heels of the introduction in Congress—with administration backing—of new anti-immigrant legislation and the relaunching of factory raids by the Immigration and Naturalization Service.  
April 8, 1957
In the face of a vile witch-hunt campaign by the "Anti-Subversive" committee of the Chicago American Legion, over 600 students at the University of Chicago turned out for a campus symposium on "Socialism and Democracy." After an unsuccessful attempt to force University officials to cancel the meeting, the Legionnaires devoted themselves to passing out leaflets "exposing" Karl Marx as "anti-Semitic" and urging students to join them in a great crusade against "anti-democratic" communism. The "crusade" opened with the planting of stench bombs in the meeting hall which were discovered before the symposium began.

April 9, 1932
The insurgent strike of the anthracite coal miners of Districts number 1 and 9 has collapsed. The men who came out are again back at work, with no gains made, browbeaten into submission by the unholy trinity of the coal operators, the U.M.W. officials and the Pennsylvania state police. The strike brought out all the deep seated discontent coupled with the sterling spirit of rebellion which is saturating the mine fields. The leaders of this strike were not at all conscious Left wingers, not to speak of being revolutionist. But they found themselves in conflict with the degenerated, corrupt union bureaucrats, and pressed forward by a membership chafing under growing exploitation.  
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