The Militant (logo)  
   Vol. 70/No. 40           October 23, 2006  
No to U.S. drive to war:
Sell ‘Militant’ subs!
Letter from the editor
(front page)
Dear Reader,

We urge you to join Militant distributors in the United States and other countries in a special sales effort October 14-22 to get this issue around widely, sign up as many new subscribers as possible, and convince readers whose subscriptions have lapsed to renew.

This is a necessary response to the threats and warmongering moves by Washington, Tokyo, and their allies against north Korea. The coverage in this issue sheds light on what’s at stake for working people and answers the big-business propaganda used to rationalize this aspect of U.S. imperialism’s “long war.”

Getting this issue around can also help build solidarity with the workers striking Goodyear who face the same enemy as the people of Korea.

Outreach can include stepped-up sales of the Militant in the Black community, Asian and Asian-American neighborhoods, on the job, at plant gates and picket lines, on campuses, and at political meetings. This kind of work over the next 10 days will help change gears in the Militant’s subscription drive, which is now slightly behind schedule.

Here are a few examples of effective work along these lines:

“We sold four subs at two different locations in Philadelphia’s Black community,” John Studer, a Militant supporter from that city, wrote October 9. “We signed up another three new readers in Chester, Pennsylvania, where there was a high school walkout last week to protest lack of teachers, books, and adequate class space.”

Supporters of the paper from Georgia and Alabama sold 19 subscriptions at an October 7 protest in Atlanta of 4,000 people demanding legalization for immigrants. “We got a great response to the paper’s support for unionizing all workers, U.S.- and foreign-born,” reported Lisa Potash, a textile worker in Atlanta. Potash said that among those selling subscriptions at the action was a garment worker who was first introduced to the Militant by her co-workers on the job a few months ago.

“We sold a subscription to one of the leaders of the campus group Fuerza Latina,” reported Ben Joyce, a student at State University of New York in Albany. “She’s been picking up copies every week. She said she likes the Militant because she doesn’t have to skim it for what she wants to read; she likes everything in it.”

“Last week we sold two subscriptions to co-workers, one in a meatpacking and another in a garment plant, who had picked up copies from supporters of the paper at the plant gates,” said Angel Lariscy, a sewing machine operator and member of UNITE HERE Local 169 in Newark, New Jersey. “Another meat packer renewed his subscription when we visited him at home.”

Join the effort! If you don’t already receive a bundle you can order one by calling the Militant (see contact information on p. 2) or distributors near you (see directory on p. 8).

Argiris Malapanis, Editor

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