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   Vol. 70/No. 39           October 16, 2006  
25, 50 and 75 years ago
October 16, 1981
The Iranian armed forces scored a major victory September 27 against the year-long invasion and occupation of Iranian territory by the Iraqi dictatorship.

The army and the Revolutionary Guards (Pasdaran) drove Iraqi forces out of the area east of the Karun River in the southern part of Khuzestan Province, and broke the Iraqi siege of Abadan, a major oil-refining city.

The big victory boosted morale among the masses, stiffening the workers’ resistance to efforts by the employers and the government to chip away at gains won since the shah’s downfall. In some cases, the workers have forced the reinstatement of militants expelled from their jobs.  
October 15, 1956
Oct. 8—The Supreme Court today began hearings on a number of cases whose outcome can have an important effect on the state of civil liberties. A key issue again before the high court is the constitutionality of the Smith Act under which the advocacy of ideas has been made a crime.

The court will hear an appeal on the Pennsylvania Smith Act conviction of Communist Party leader Steve Nelson and three co-defendants. The court refused to act on a government motion to remand the case to a lower court for hearings on the credibility of the testimony of Joseph Mazzei, a professional FBI stool pigeon whose testimony against Nelson contradicted his stories in other government proceedings.  
October 24, 1931
London—This week has seen the struggle against the National government’s economies reach its highest point since the fight began. Not a day has passed without demonstrations of unemployed workers; demonstrations which by their size and militancy testified to the deep feeling and anger of the unemployed at the threatened reactions in their benefits.

Last Sunday over twenty-thousand workers assembled in Hyde Park and, at the conclusion of the meeting, marched off to Wormwood Scrubs Prison, where several militants were imprisoned. On Tuesday evening, thousands gathered again in the Park. The workers surged out of the Park, through the West End and gathered around Parliament.  
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