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   Vol. 70/No. 38           October 9, 2006  
Militant Fund drive picks up steam
This past week Militant supporters collected and sent in $11,724 for the $90,000 fund drive, bringing the total to 17 percent of the international goal. That’s a big step forward. If we now keep up this campaigning pace and increase the regular collections to about $13,000 for each of the remaining six weeks we will reach the target by November 7.

This progress will make it possible to finance two Militant reporting teams that are coming right up. Two days after this issue comes off the press, Militant editor Argiris Malapanis and correspondent Róger Calero are flying to Venezuela for a one-week fact-finding trip. They will report on the latest developments in the conflict between the struggles of workers and peasants, on one hand, and the efforts of Venezuelan capitalists and the U.S. imperialist rulers to defeat them.

In the second half of October another team of Militant reporters will travel to Havana to provide firsthand coverage from revolutionary Cuba.

The fund also helps meet the paper’s weekly operating expenses—from printing to shipping and utilities.

If you would like to make a contribution to getting a weekly working-class newspaper into the hands of workers, farmers, and others who need it, write your check or money order to the Militant, earmarked “Militant Fund,” and send it to 306 W. 37th Street, 10th floor, New York, NY 10018.

Also, please send weekly reports by Tuesday nights—a paragraph or two—on how fund-raising is going in your area, to be included in this column.

Click here to see the fund chart

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