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    Vol. 69/No. 42           October 31, 2005 
Sailors in Corsica and
Marseille end 23-day strike
Roland Balajora
MARSEILLE, France—After 23 days on strike against the French government’s plan to privatize the Corsica-Mediterranean ferry line (SNCM), sailors and shore-based workers voted 519 to 73 on October 13 to end the walkout. Prior to the vote, French prime minister Dominique de Villepin threatened to declare the SNCM bankrupt and fire its 2,400 employees if they did not return to work. The government’s “final offer,” of maintaining a 25 percent state share of the company, will now be put into effect. Workers (above) marched in Marseille October 4 in support of the SNCM strikers.

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