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    Vol. 69/No. 39           October 10, 2005 
Machinists reach tentative
settlement with Boeing

Militant/Lisa Rottach

SEATTLE, September 26—After nearly four weeks on strike, the International Association of Machinists (IAM) reached a tentative agreement with Boeing. According to the union and various press accounts, the company gave in on key issues of health care and pensions that triggered the strike of 18,400 workers.

The IAM said the company withdrew its demands to eliminate retiree medical coverage for new hires and increase medical insurance premiums between $2,000 and $4,000 per year. Boeing raised the pension multiplier to $70 per year of service.

The company also backed off demands to lower wages and benefits for workers at the Wichita facility. No new wage increase is reportedly included in the proposed contract.

“The 86 percent strike vote showed the company we would stick together for two months, three months, whatever it took,” said John Larsen, an assembler installer at the Renton, Washington, plant.

Workers vote on the tentative agreement September 29. IAM negotiators have recommended approval.  
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