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    Vol. 69/No. 36           September 19, 2005, SPECIAL ISSUE 
New York meat packers
fight for back wages
Militant/Dan Fein

NEW YORK—Workers at BMW Meats in Farmingdale, Long Island, struck for nearly a month demanding payment of unpaid wages and the reinstatement of fired workers. The company went out of business August 23 and the workers, members of United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 342, continue to press for what is due them.

Fifteen workers from the plant attended a picnic in Brooklyn organized by the union. “We were ripped off by the bosses. I am still owed three weeks’ vacation and back pay,” Ismenia Hernández told the Militant at the union event. Shop steward Mercy Manas noted that the bosses paid them a week’s wages in cash only after they were on strike for a week.

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